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Author Guidelines

We strongly recommend that authors thoroughly review these instructions before submitting their work, along with submission Preparation Check List, the basic Evaluation Criteria and Publication Ethics. Further details can be found in the provided manuscript template.

All authors need to be registered on the journal’s website before beginning the submission process. Registration provides essential updates about your submission, facilitates communication with the editorial team, and ensures you receive the latest information on the review process and publication status. If already registered, the corresponding author can simply log in and begin the process.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer Science and ICT: This section encompasses a wide spectrum of research within the fields of computer science and information and communication technology (ICT), including topics such as artificial intelligence, software engineering, algorithms, networking, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies like IoT and virtual reality.
  • Traffic and Transportation Engineering: This section delves into a broad spectrum of research topics, spanning different modes of transportation such as road, rail, air, and water. It covers studies on traffic flow modeling, transportation planning, network optimization, safety measures, infrastructure design, sustainable strategies, ITS, autonomous vehicles, policy analysis, etc.
  • Mechanical Engineering: Articles in this category may encompass a diverse array of topics, ranging from fundamental studies on mechanical systems, thermodynamics, and materials science, to more specialized research exploring topics such as fluid dynamics, heat transfer phenomena, control systems, robotics, manufacturing processes, renewable energy technologies, biomechanics, computational modeling and simulation, etc.
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering: This section encompasses research on electrical circuits, power systems, renewable energy, electronics, and related areas within electrical engineering. Additionally, it addresses emerging trends in electric vehicle technology, smart grid infrastructure, renewable energy integration, etc.
  • Civil Engineering: This section encompasses a wide range of research areas including structural engineering, which focuses on the design and analysis of buildings, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure to ensure their safety and durability. Geotechnical engineering investigates soil and rock mechanics. Construction management addresses the planning, scheduling, and execution of construction projects, optimizing resources and minimizing risks to deliver projects on time and within budget.
  • Architecture and Planning: This section encompassing a broad spectrum of topics within the realms of architectural design, urban planning, sustainable development, heritage conservation, landscape architecture, housing solutions, and community engagement, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of architecture and planning disciplines and their profound impact on shaping the built environment and enhancing quality of life.
  • Industrial Engineering: Articles in this category delve into a diverse array of research endeavors aimed at optimizing the complex systems, processes, and operations prevalent across various industries. This category delves into methodologies and innovations aimed at enhancing efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety within manufacturing, service, and organizational settings.
  • Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing: This section explores research on supply chain management, inventory control, and logistics optimization, aiming to improve the efficiency and resilience of distribution networks. It investigates topics like demand forecasting, modern logistics systems, warehousing practices, last-mile delivery solutions, and the integration of emerging technologies to enhance supply chain visibility and agility, etc.
  • Environmental Science and Engineering: This section is dedicated to exploring a wide range of research topics related to environmental pollution, resource management, and sustainable technologies. It covers studies on air and water pollution, waste management, renewable energy, and other initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and mitigating the impacts of human activities on the planet.
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics: This section encompasses research on mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, and statistical methods applied to diverse engineering and scientific challenges. It explores the development and application of mathematical techniques to solve real-world problems in fields such as physics, engineering, biology, economics, and beyond.
  • Multidisciplinary (SET): This section welcomes research that bridges multiple fields within science, engineering, and technology, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and addressing complex challenges through integrated approaches.
  • Interdisciplinary Applications: This category features articles that delve into the practical application of scientific and engineering principles to tackle multifaceted problems or pioneer new areas of inquiry. Through innovative approaches and cross-disciplinary collaboration, researchers aim to develop solutions that integrate insights from various fields, addressing emerging challenges and pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration.

The Science, Engineering and Technology journal publishes research articles, reviews, and case studies that have not been previously published elsewhere. However, the journal also welcomes studies offering new perspectives on previously published research findings. Each submission will undergo rigorous evaluation, adhering to the same editorial standards applied to all other submissions.

There are no strict formatting requirements at initial submission, but all article must include the essential elements necessary for evaluation (Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Text, Conclusions, References). The article should be written in clear, coherent English, free from notable errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, or formatting. References should be correctly formatted. During the revision stage, authors will be requested to ensure that their article conforms to the correct format using the provided template for acceptance and provide any additional items required for publication. To download the relevant template and submission information form, please visit the following URL: 

APC Note: Thanks to our sponsors, APC fees for manuscript submitted by the end of February 2025 will be reduced by 50%, from 500 USD to 250 USD.

Article Types

Science, Engineering and Technology journal accepts the following article types:

  • Research Article are high-quality scientific contributions that address challenging research topics outlined in the journal's aim & scope section. These articles should present comprehensive studies showcasing innovative advancements that contribute to the understanding of a particular subject. They may feature new findings and discoveries or offer concise surveys and tutorials. Conclusions in this article type should be substantiated by the presented results. Authors are encouraged to follow the IMRAD format (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion).
  • Review Article provide an extensive summary of research on a specific topic, offering insights into the current state of the field and its future trajectory. They should include a critical evaluation of the referenced works, discussions on conflicting literature, and an overall analysis of the field. The conclusion should elaborate on the limitations of existing knowledge, propose future research directions, and highlight the topic's significance.
  • Case Study focus on describing experimental demonstrations and real-world use cases relevant to the journal's scope. The objective of case studies is to inform other researchers about potential occurrences of specific phenomena.

Note: The journal enables editors to write editorial articles in special issues, highlighting their role in shaping thematic focuses and content.

Article Structure

All sections must be numbered properly with descriptive titles. The structure of an article typically includes the following sections: 

  • Article Title: Ensure the title accurately reflects the content and focus of your research. Keep the title brief while conveying the essential information. Aim for clarity and avoid unnecessary words. Provide insight into the study's objectives, key variables, or outcomes to attract the interest of potential readers. Experiment with different title structures, such as question-based, descriptive, or declarative, to find the most effective format for your article.
  • Abstract: A brief summary of the article, typically 150 to 250 words. It should succinctly summarize the objectives, methodology, main findings, and principal results of the study. No figures, tables, equations, or references should be included. It is recommended that the abstract follows a structured format to help readers quickly understand the abstract.
  • Keywords: A list of 4-6 keywords separated by commas that describe the topic of the article. These keywords are crucial for search results and should accurately reflect the content. Use keywords that clearly convey the main topic, methods, or findings of the study.
  • Introduction: Provides an overview of the topic, explains the research motivation, states the objectives, and offers background information. To write a quality Introduction for a scientific article, begin by providing background information on the topic to contextualize your research. Clearly state the research objectives or hypotheses, and outline the significance of the study. Finally, offer a brief overview of the article's structure to guide readers through the content.
  • Literature Review (Optional): A detailed survey of relevant literature offers a deeper analysis of relevant literature on the topic. It may be a separate section providing a critical review of previous studies. Authors evaluate methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and conclusions of prior research. The aim is to identify gaps, conflicts, and ambiguities in the literature. While not mandatory, a well-executed literature review can enhance research credibility and provide context for result interpretation.
  • Main Text: Presents the research findings and discusses their significance in relation to the broader field. When structuring the main text of an article, organize it into coherent sections that flow logically from one to another. Results section should present the findings of the study objectively and clearly, often accompanied by tables, figures, or graphs. Discussion of the results should be in light of the research objectives, comparing them with existing literature.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the article's contributions, main outcomes, applications, limitations, recommendations, and potential future research directions. To craft a quality Conclusion, summarize the key findings and their implications, addressing how they align with the study's objectives. Reflect on any limitations encountered and propose future research directions. Conclude by emphasizing the broader significance of the study's outcomes within the field.
  • Nomenclature (Optional): Lists symbols, abbreviations, and terms used in the article, particularly useful for articles with many symbols. Organized alphabetically with definitions and explanations. Articles with many symbols should have a nomenclature that conforms to the system of standard international (SI) units. If one is used, it must contain all the symbols used in the article. The nomenclature section should provide a comprehensive list of all technical terms, symbols, and abbreviations used in the article, along with their definitions and explanations. The nomenclature or the definition of technical terms, symbols, and abbreviations should be placed in a separate section, usually titled "Nomenclature" or "Abbreviations and Acronyms". This section typically appears after the main body of the text – after the conclusion and before the references section.
  • Acknowledgments (Optional): Authors should acknowledge the contributions of individuals, organizations, or funding agencies that have provided support or assistance to the research, placed before the reference list. Full names of funding organizations should be provided. Contributions that do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section of the article. 
  • Conflicts Interest Statement: The conflict of interest statement helps the reader to understand if there are any conflicts interests they should be aware of. Authors should include a declaration of conflicts  interests following the conclusion, such as: 'The authors declare that they have no known conflicts financial interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the work reported in this article' or authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could be perceived as influencing the research or its outcomes.
  • Data Availability Statement: It is important that your article includes a statement on how/if data supporting the research is available. This is mandatory statement if specific data or materials were utilized in the article. Authors are encouraged to make the data used in the research available and to provide a statement on data availability. Additionally, authors can specify the conditions under which the data are available. Examples of statements regarding data availability include: 'Supplementary materials and data used in this research are accessible upon request. For access, please contact the corresponding author via [email address].' or 'No data or additional materials were utilized for the research described in the article.'
  • Author Contribution Roles (Optional): For transparency, we encourage corresponding authors to provide co-author contributions either at the end of the article or in the cover letter and using the relevant CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). Describes each author's role in the research process. Be specific about the unique roles and responsibilities undertaken by each author to ensure transparency and credit for their contributions. 
  • Additional Information (Optional): Authors are encouraged to include the following information: Funding Statement (if available), Declaration of Generative AI-assisted Tools, Author Contributions Roles, and any other relevant details. For more information visit Publication Ethics guidelines.
  • Appendix (Optional): Contains supplementary materials supporting the research, such as detailed experimental procedures, additional data, or mathematical proofs.  For example, explanations of experimental details that would disrupt the flow of the main text but remain crucial to understanding and reproducing the research shown; figures of replicates for experiments of which representative data is shown in the main text can be added here if brief. Organized into sections, if necessary, labeled sequentially (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B) and referenced in the main text. Each appendix starts on a new page and includes labels for figures and tables (e.g., Figure A1, Table A1).  The appendix appears after the Reference list. 

More information and additional instructions and tips can be found in the prepared template.


The authors are responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of all references cited in their articles. It is essential for articles to appropriately acknowledge the relevant literature on the topic and include a sufficient number of recent references, typically within the last 5 years, to ensure the currency and relevance of the research.

Authors should ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. Authors are expected to check the original source reference for accuracy. Only scholarly literature (journals, proceedings, patents, standards, online books, authentic websites with permanent archival policy, etc.) are acceptable references. Do not use grey literature (unauthentic websites, news portals, social media, Wikipedia, etc.) as a reference.

All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (for example, “The theory was first put forward in 1986 [1]” or “…as discussed in many reports [2], [3], [4]”). Authors are encouraged to use reference management software (e.g. Mendeley, Endnote, Word References, etc.).

Each citation in the text should correspond to a full reference at the end of the article, including up to six authors' names. For articles published within a volume, use the volume and issue publication date. Early access articles should use the "Date of Publication." When citing an issue spanning two months, separate them with a slash (e.g., Aug./Sep.), followed by the year. All references, except those ending with URLs, should end with a period. If a reference includes both a DOI (or accessed date) and a URL, the DOI (or accessed date) precedes the URL, separated by a period. Do not combine references or use an en dash for reference ranges in text; each number should have a single corresponding reference. For example, avoid use a dash “[1]–[4]”, instead “[1], [2], [3], [4]”.

Useful tools for checking references: and

Below are examples of styles for reference.

Periodicals (Journals):

K. Author, “Name of article,” Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year.

Periodicals (Journals with article doi):

K. Author, “Name of article,” Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year, doi: xxx.

Periodicals (Journals with article ID):

K. Author, “Name of article,” Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year, Art. no. xxx.

Conferences and Proceedings:

K. Author, “Title of article,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf., Location of the conference is optional, (Month and day(s) if provided) year, pp. xxx-xxx (or article number), doi: xxx (for Conference Proceedings with DOI).

Conference Proceedings with Editors

K. Author, “Title of article,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf., Editor Name, Location of the conference is optional, (Month and day(s) if provided) year, pp. xxx-xxx (or article number), doi: xxx (for Conference Proceedings with DOI).

Conference Proceedings (Online)

K. Author, “Title of article,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf., Editor Name, Location of the conference is optional, (Month and day(s) if provided) year, pp. xxx-xxx (or article number), [Online]. Available: site/path/file

Books (Basic Format):

K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Published Book, edition (if not first). City of Publisher, Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx.

Books (Online):

K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Published Book, edition (if not first). City of Publisher, Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx. [Online]. Available:

Book (with Chapter Title and/or with Editor(s))

K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Published Book, X. Editor, edition (if not first). City of Publisher, Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, pp. xxx–xxx.

Other References:


Author, Date, Year. “Title of Dataset,” distributed by Publisher/Distributor, (or if DOI is used, end with a period)


K. Author, “Title of patent,” U.S. Patent x xxx, Abbrev. Month, day, year.

Thesis and Dissertations:

K. Author, “Title of dissertation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Department, University, City, Country, year.


Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed., Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., year, pp. xxx-xxx.


Name of University. (Year). Title of course. [Online]. Available: URL

Coursepack and Course with Instructor Name:

K. Instructor. Title of coursepack. (Semester). Title of course. University/Publisher location: University


K. Author. Title of Software. Date Repository or Archive. (version or year). Publisher Name. Accessed: Date (when applicable). [Type of Medium]. Global Persistent Identifier. Available: site/path/file


Title of Standard, Standard number, Corporate author, location, date.


First Name Initial(s) Last Name. “Page Title.” Website Title. Date Accessed. [Online]. Available: Web Address.

Note 1: For references that are available online, the following information can be added: For online Accessed: Date. [Online]. Available: URL

Note 2: Common Abbreviations of Words in References: Annals (Ann.), Annual (Annu.), Colloquium (Colloq.), Conference (Conf.), Congress (Congr.), Convention (Conv.), Digest (Dig.), Exposition (Expo.), International (Int.), Meeting (Meeting), National (Nat.), Proceedings (Proc.), Record (Rec.), Symposium (Symp.), Technical Digest (Tech. Dig.), Technical Paper (Tech. Paper), Workshop (Workshop), First (1st), Second (2nd), Third (3rd), Fourth/nth... (4th/nth…)

Additional recommendations for writing the article:

  • The article should be composed in clear, coherent English, devoid of any notable errors concerning spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, or formatting.
  • Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have already been defined in the abstract, for example, “Information and Communications Technology (ICT)”. Abbreviations should be used consistently throughout the text.
  • Footnotes should not be used. Instead, try to integrate the footnote information into the text. Please, do not edit the header and footer from this template.
  • Number figures and tables sequentially in the article, referencing them within the text. Ensure figure captions are concise and placed below the figure, while table captions are above. Figures should be of high resolution.
  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a high technical standard and are described in sufficient detail.
  • Exclude section numbering for the nomenclature, abbreviations, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, and references.
  • Mathematical expressions have to be numbered consecutively for ease of discussion and reference in the text.  Therefore, equations are numbered by Arabic numerals in parenthesis on the right margin of the text. In the text an equation is referenced by its number in parenthesis, e.g. "... from Eq. (1) follows ...". Math equations shall be submitted as editable text, not as images. Symbols are to be presented in italics and defined immediately after the equation. Do not duplicate the symbol description when it is used repeatedly in two or more equations.
  • The use of SI units and their standard symbols and abbreviations is encouraged. Put unit symbols in figures, tables, and descriptions of equation symbols into square brackets, i.e., [m/s]. A space should always be inserted between a number and the unit, except for the degree symbol. Be consistent in using unit symbols throughout your article. To avoid confusion with math symbols, do not italicize unit symbols.
  • Code blocks: Format your code blocks in a clear and readable manner. Use consistent indentation, appropriate syntax highlighting (if possible), and concise comments to explain complex sections or algorithms. Decide on a numbering scheme that aligns with the overall structure of your article. You could use a sequential numbering system (e.g., Code 1, Code 2, Code 3), or you could tie the numbering to sections or chapters if your article is organized that way (e.g., Code 2.1, Code 2.2, etc.). Whenever you refer to a specific piece of code in your article, use the corresponding code number in the text. For example, "In Code 2, we implement the sorting algorithm." Therefore, present code as separate blocks within the text. Use a monospace font for the code to differentiate it from the regular text. Include appropriate syntax highlighting to make the code more readable. Code blocks can be used for small code snippets or to showcase specific sections of larger codebases. 
  • It is important that the grammar and spelling of your article are correct. Please proofread the article. Avoid contractions; for example, write “do not” instead of “don’t.” You may write in the first person singular or plural and use the active voice (“I observed that ...” or “We observed that ...” instead of “It was observed...”). Some useful tools for proofreading: and

More information and additional instructions and tips can be found in the prepared template.

Article Submission

Article should be submitted using the online submission service by following the instructions given on the submission website. The following link contains a video tutorial for submitting the article: link. If you experience difficulty uploading large files, please contact the editorial office for assistance.

The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have seen and approved the article and meet the criteria for authorship. The corresponding author who submits the article should add all other authors in the correct order.

It is recommended that all authors provide an ORCID identifier during the article submission process. Entering your ORCID ID at submission will help identify you and distinguish you and your academic work from others. If you do not already have an ORCID ID, you can register at

Conflict of Interests

The Science, Engineering and Technology journal requires that all authors disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. These must be disclosed when directly relevant or directly related to the work that the authors describe in their article. The existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication. If the authors have no conflict of interest to declare, they must also state this at submission. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and collectively to disclose with the submission all pertinent commercial and other relationships.

For more information about authors' responsibilities and conflict of interests, visit Publication Ethics.

Peer Review

Science, Engineering and Technology journal operates under a double-blind peer-review model. All submitted article go through a review process to ensure the proper quality of the published articles.  Some of the most important criteria for evaluating the acceptance of an article are: scope, originality (novelty), article structure, methods, technical correctness, referencing, content clarity, results, value to readers, etc. We advice authors to check off their submission's  according to the main criteria to check the quality of the work.

For more information click here.

Plagiarism Policy

Authors submitting to Science, Engineering and Technology  journal accept the common terms of publication ethics and confirm that the article is an original research contribution with the references properly cited in the article. The authors should ensure that they have submitted the original work, and if the authors have used the work of others, that appropriate citation is provided. 

For more information click here

After Acceptance

If an article is accepted, it will undergo assessment by the Copyeditor to ensure readiness for production. You may be contacted for any necessary updates or final files. Otherwise, your article will proceed to the production team. To ensure a fast publication process of the article, we kindly ask authors to provide us with their proof corrections within two days. All instructions for proofing will be given in the e-mail we send to authors. We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately.

Please use the proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor. Proofreading is solely auhors responsibility.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The article must not have been previously published, is not currently under review by any other journal or conference, and will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is made.
  • By submitting the manuscript, authors confirm their acknowledgment of and compliance with the Author Guidelines, Copyright Policy, and Publication Ethics. This includes confirming that all authors have approved the manuscript for submission and agree with these policies.
  • The article must align with the journal's scope of topics. Authors will be required to select an appropriate category (or multiple categories) and article type (Research Article, Review Article, or Case Study) during submission.
  • The article must comply with the stylistic and bibliographic guidelines outlined in the Author Guidelines. It has been edited for grammar, spelling, consistency, and clarity. Well-written article have a much better chance of acceptance.
  • Authors are required to include a 'Competing Interest Statement'. Thise statement should be provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare.
  • Authors are required to include a 'Data Availability Statement' if specific data or materials were utilized in the article. Authors are encouraged to make the data used in the research available and to provide a statement on data availability. Additionally, authors can specify the conditions under which the data are available.
  • Optional (not required): Authors are encouraged to include all relevant information in the article , such as a 'Funding Statement' (if available), 'Author Contributions Statement', 'Acknowledgments', and any other pertinent details. Authors will provide supplementary data upon request by the editorial office.
  • Optional (not required): Authors may include a Cover Letter containing explanations for why their article should be published in SET Journal, any issues related to journal policies, and other relevant information.
  • Optional (not required): Authors may suggest potential reviewers for their article, providing their names, email addresses, affiliations, areas of expertise, and identity confirmation data (e.g., ORCID or WoS/Scopus/Scholar links). This information can be included in the "Comments for the Editor" section, Cover Letter, or uploaded as a separate document.  It is at the full discretion of the editors to follow or not follow the authors' suggestion.
  • The submission file must be in an editable document file format (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF). Microsoft Word templates for all article types are available, and authors are encouraged to use them when preparing article.
  • All authors are registered on the journal’s website. Each author may complete their own registration, or the corresponding author may register on behalf of each co-author. Please visit [] to complete your registration.
  • Authors are required to submit the following files:

    1. Submission Information Form (Download Form)

    2. Manuscript (Anonymous Version for Review): An anonymous version of the manuscript, prepared without any author information, acknowledgments, supporting agencies, or any other details that could reveal the authors' identities.

    3. Full Manuscript: The manuscript including all relevant information, such as author details, acknowledgments, supporting agencies, and other information as per the Author Guidelines.

    4. Supplementary Files: Provide any additional files that our editorial team may need to evaluate your submission. This may include data sets, conflict of interest statements, or other supplementary materials that could assist our editors.

  • I confirm my awareness of the current APC and agree to proceed with the payment if my work is accepted.

Privacy Statement

The information provided, including names and email addresses, within this journal's site is exclusively utilized for editorial processes pertaining to article submission and for managing the journal's mailing list. This includes dissemination of the Table of Contents and relevant updates. Rest assured, this information remains confidential and will not be shared with any other party for any purpose beyond the scope of journal operations. We collect contact information solely to facilitate the requested services and ensure their efficient delivery. All data is securely stored in compliance with prevailing regulatory standards.

Should you require access to or wish to amend or delete your stored information, please contact the journal office at to initiate the necessary actions. Authors are encouraged to refer to the author guidelines for comprehensive instructions on submission procedures.

More information: